End hostilities and start a dialogue process: Dr Farooq to India and Pakistan
Uri,: Jammu & Kashmir National Conference President Dr. Farooq Abdullah on Sunday impressed on the governments of India and Pakistan to start a sustained dialogue process and advocated an Ireland type settlement model to resolve the procrastinated J&K issue.
Dr Farooq Abdullah while addressing a public gathering at Uri said that a day will come when the people of Jammu and Kashmir will breathe in a peaceful atmosphere shorn of any insecurity. “We shouldn’t feel disheartened. The current situation is grave but we have witnessed even worst throughout the history. At one time in our history, people would not buy the idea that the autocratic rule will end. But a day came when democratic forces usurped the Kings’s throne with determination and struggle,” he said.
Party president asked the people to keep faith and follow the path which was shown by the prophet of Islam. “In this hour of grief and uncertainty we should not let anxiety and hopelessness overpower us. We should follow the teaching of the prophet of Islam in our day to day lives. Hopelessness is a curse,” he said.
Recounting the contribution of Sher e Kashmir and Madre Maharban, he said they worked tireless for the socio-political emancipation of the people of the state. “My parents drew their energy from the teaching of holy prophet of Islam. It was the very essence of Prophet’s teachings that kept them going notwithstanding persecution, confinements and political retribution,” he said.
He said that the party had to face many challenges since the very day of its inception and that scores of the party functionaries were preyed upon by the monster of conflict. “Our party was back-stabbed by many political shenanigans and turncoats but history bears testimony to how they eventually faded on their own. National conference is a people’s party we owe our being to people and we are a grass root level party,” he said.
Dr Farooq said that the state’s special status was infringed upon by the machinations of national political parties including Congress and BJP and that their attitude hasn’t changed. “The current situation is no different. People should remain watchful of crafty politicians who are product of these machinations. Self respect and dignity of our state should not be bartered for few pennies,” he said.
He urged the GOI to restore Autonomy to J&K at an earliest. “Autonomy is the only way ahead to address the political and developmental deficit of all the regions of Jammu and Kashmir. It will secure the secular character of our state and strengthen bonds of amity and brotherhood,” he said.
Later Dr. Farooq Abdullah visited the family of Ex MLC Late Muhammad Aslam Banday and offered condolences with his family. He was accompanied by senior party leaders including MLA Muhammad Shafi Uri, Javaid Ahmad Dar, Advocate Shahid Ali, Neloofar Masood, Muhammad Yaqoob Wani, Dr Sajjad Uri and other party functionaries.