Forest Rights Act 2006 , will give a lot of cushion to the people who are living near the forests in Jammu and Kashmir . F Recently the J & K forest department organized a workshop on how to implement the Forest Rights Act on the ground . The nature of evidence required are recorded in detail in the rules and also involves field verification by the Forest Rights Committee comprising 10 15 members to be elected among its members by the Gram Sabha as per the relevant rules in this regard . The Government has already notified constitution of District Level Committee headed by the Deputy Commissioner , Sub – Divisional Level Committee headed by the Sub Divisional Magistrate and comprising officers from Forest , Tribal Affairs and Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department besides non – official members who are nominated by District Panchayat at the level of District and Sub – Divisional Level . Speaking on the occasion , Commissioner Secretary Forest spoke in detail on the history of FRA 2006 , key provisions of Act besides discussing in detail in context of its implementation in Jammu and Kashmir . He gave a brief background of Individual and Community rights . The FDSTs who were residing prior to 13thDecember 2005 and OTFDs who were living for three generations prior to 13th December 2005 alone are eligible . He also elaborated the role of various institutions particularly Gram Sabha , Forest Rights Committee , SDLCs and DLCs as well as procedure involved in processing of the claim . He informed the participants about the tribal community that the Forest Department has stopped the auction process of Minor Forest Produce ( MFP ) , a process which has been there since the last 70-80 years , due to the implementation of the Forest Rights Act in J & K .