Altaf Bukhari cautions administration not to push youth to wall
By: Tariq Shah VOV
President of Apni Party Altaf Bukhari on Monday has cautioned JK administration not to push youth to the wall by the official orders recently circulated here.
He said that in one of the recent orders the government has said that they will not give security clearance for passport and other government services to those who are involved in stone pelting and law and order cases.
In a statement Bukhari described such government orders as the catalysts to further alienate the youth and said that it will not contribute to the peace and reconciliation process in Jammu and Kashmir.
According to the local news reports and news agencies, Altaf said, “We are undergoing a process of reconciliation wherein it is intended to absorb everyone who earlier on felt alienated or disenchanted. The latest order is totally in contradiction to the promises and vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister and Union Home Minister who envisages a better and prosperous future for the people of J&K especially its promising youth”.
Bukhari said that two clashing directions cannot yield the desired results and police should have focused more on a soft approach through counseling rather than impeding the avenues of the youth who have immense potential and desire to be brought into the mainstream.
“The constitution of India gives an ample chance to everyone to mend their faults. There are many cases wherein people have been booked for the first time under the law and order charges. Don’t they deserve a second chance? This impatient obduracy to finish off their careers is definitely not in the national interest but rather it appears to be a conspiracy to fuel a new controversy in Kashmir,” he remarked.
Bukhari urged the Lt. Governor Manoj Sinha to take a serious cognizance of this pressing matter that has enough potential to disturb the peace and stability in J&K while the current efforts are focused on to involve people in the mainstream activities.
“Keeping the changing political scenario of J&K into consideration, people thought that the FIRs would be withdrawn against the youth who are the first time offenders. But such mindless and unwarranted decisions tantamount to rubbing salt to the injuries. I earnestly hope that the government will revisit this decision in the public and national interest and will not allow divisive policies to start a regressive trend in J&K,” he said.
With inputs from agencies