Sopore killing: Sajad Lone says Gunmen need to ponder whose war they are fighting
Sajad Lone condemns Sopore attack, in which 3 civilian and two police men were killed.
Reacting to the Sopore killing today, Peoples Conference Chief asked gunmen ‘to ponder whose war they are fighting for’.
People’s conference chairman, took to Twitter, writes, “Five succumb in Sopore attack. 3 civilians and 2 police men. Mr gunmen- Approximately-5
Kashmiri funerals. 5 widows. 10 grieving old parents. A dozen or more orphans. All Kashmiris.
So mr gunmen. Really want to know. Whose bloody side ru on”.
He further writes, “When will this madness end. Gun came to Kashmir fighting in 1989. 32 years down the line. I can unambiguously state. That gun enslaves the very people that it purports to fight for. The gunmen really need to ponder whose war they r fighting”. (KNS)