Sowing of paddy in the fields in progress in Kashmir
By: Tariq Shah VOV
Paddy is being sown in different villages as the time has come for the farmers to start this process. In the first week of June normally in most of the villages of Kashmir such process is started.
In this season also most of the outside laborers who used to come and work in the fields of Kashmir have not arrived with the result most of the villagers and farmers along with their families are doing the job themselves.
Earlier, in most of the fields during the summer season, there used to be laborers from outside working, especially in the paddy fields. With outside laborers not coming in bulk to Kashmir valley, most of the families who are dealing with paddy and with horticulture have started working with their families in the fields.
Freaky weather has been blocking the process of paddy sowing and now the inclement weather is becoming a reality even in this month of June forcing the farmers to go for the cultivation even in such weather conditions.