Power shutdown
JAMMU, MAY, 19: Superintending Engineer (Distribution), JPDCL, O&M Circle, Kathua has informed that for reconductoring and DTR charging works, the power supply to BB Town, Teli Basti, Dyansar, Katholi, Birpur Complex and adjoining areas shall remain affected on May 20, 22 and 24 from 9 am to 2 pm.
Meanwhile, for laying of HT Cable for dedicated feeder, the power supply to SICOP Industrial Area shall remain affected on May 20 and 21 from 11 am to 1 pm.
However, during the shutdown period, the power supply to M/s K.K. Gases shall be fed from 11 KV Janglote Civil Feeder emanating from 66/11 KV Receiving Station Hatlimorh.