Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party (JKAP) has welcomed the decision of University of Jammu to mass- promote students of intermediate semesters i.e. third, fifth and seventh.
As per the press statement to KNS today, the JKAP youth leader Raqeeq Ahmed Khan said “The students were suffering because of the adamant attitude of the authorities on continuing with the proposed examination which was however postponed succumbing to the pressure of the student leaders.
The J&K Apni Party leaders like Anuj Manhas, Hiteshwar Singh, Basharat Latief, Safdeer Choudhary, Qammar Ali Kazami, Mohammed Yaseen, Satish Rajput, Akshay Sharma, Rohit Choudhary, Amandeep Singh Chopra, Kamran Mir, Mujtaba Natnu, Nadeem, Ashfaq Lodhi, Anies Mattoo, Javed Ahmed Khan were on the forefront to raise the issues of the college students and they also held protest demonstration in support of demand i.e. mass promotion of the students due to pandemic situation.
The JKAP student’s leader Anuj Manhas said that “We have won the half-battle in support of the students. Rest of the eight Union Territory’s Universities and 2 Central Universities have yet to make any decision. However, we will continue our fight for the genuine demands of all the students for mass-promotion in all the streams and in all the subjects till these universalities take a final call on the decision.”
Manhas said that “The Jammu University should clarify its stand on the fate of students belonging to the Law Department of the campus regarding mass-promotion.”
He appealed to the authorities of the University of Jammu to clarify their decision about the final year students in different subjects whether in Under-Graduates or in Post-Graduates.
Meanwhile, JKAP youth leader, Raqeeq Ahmed Khan has congratulated all the inter-mediate semester students and said that the JKAP will continue its fight for the genuine demands of the students.
“We have won half battle and for rest of the demands i.e. to mass promote all the students in Jammu and Kashmir in all schools, colleges and universities,” said Khan hoping that the Government will intervene and ask the rest of the universities to mass promote the students in view of pandemic situation due to covid in Jammu and Kashmir.
When the educational institutions remained closed across the J&K, he said, it is not possible for the students to appear or pick and choose policy is adopted in making promotion of the students.
“The students in all semesters and classes should be treated equally on decisions about mass-promotion,” he said.(KNS)