According to statement issued to KNS, Prominent senior lawyer and Vice President Care Kashmir Zaffar Shah inaugurated the free face mask distribution campaign at the head office of Private Schools’ Association of Jammu and Kashmir (PSAJK) at Karan Nagar. Shah while speaking on the occasion expressed concern over the rising COVID cases in Kashmir. “The situation can go from bad to worst if people don’t cooperate in controlling the spread of coronavirus. Our health infrastructure is already inadequate and inability of taking preventive measure by people can land us in further trouble.”
He called on the people to compulsorily use face mask while venturing out besides resorting to social distancing and frequent hand washing.
The Association said that it will use its wide reach among population to make people aware about the necessity of using masks. “Not only will we be distributing free masks but we are also starting a campaign to make people aware about benefits of using face masks. We will be reaching to children and their parents through different media in this regard,” said Manzoor Ahmad Wangnoo, Chairman MEERC & KWT.
The Association will be distributing one lakh Face Masks among people and more will be added according to the demand. “Our schools have voluntarily come forward in this mission. Besides contributing for masks, they are teaching children about the necessity of using face masks along with their class assignments,” said G N Var president PSAJK. “Teaching precautionary measures are being made part of the class assignments.”
The Association reiterated that repeated research has revealed that use of face masks almost eradicates spread of COVID in common environment and people should not squander the opportunity of controlling this disease. “We are also using this opportunity to teach our children the benefits of maintaining hygiene and how various diseases including coronavirus can be prevented by adopting clean lifestyle,” said Var.