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It is unfortunate that three poor laborers slipped into a glacier while trying to reach their homes in banihal as they were working in Kashmir valley. It speaks volume about the severe restrictions imposed by authorities being enforced by police without any compassion. Many poor laborers who were working in Kashmir and got stuck up at different places due to the restriction imposed by government due to the COVID-19 virus threat. Most of them have no money left to survive and all the claims of authorities that they have reached out to such people with food seem hallow.
Taking a dangerous trek to reach homes, brings into focus all the allegations and complaint of common people that police without asking any person about the necessity to be on the road, file FIR’s and arrest them. There is a huge chunk of population in Srinagar city, who have very little money left not due to the few days of lockdown of covid-19, but due to the continuous lockdown of 8 months enforced by authorities since August 5, last year.
Police and UT administration are creating a pressure cooker situation in Kashmir valley, trying to enforce curfew at all costs without trying to understand the problems of common people as many of them have now the problems of survival. Tragic death of 3 laborers is a grim reminder of prevailing situation in Kashmir valley and it is high time that Lt. Governor Murmu directs police to exercise restrain and show some compassion towards common people when they try to break the restriction and come on the road. It is not always true that people come on the roads just for fun, some people like the laborers of Banihal have genuine problems to migrate and go to their homes.
Beyond photo ops., district magistrates of Kashmir valley should visit the areas and get the feel of the situation on ground that why hundreds of people have violated the restrictions and go deep into the reasons why police should act as a helping hand rather than thrashing people on the streets of kashmir.

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