Tral students urge KU to postpone exams scheduled today
Srinagar: Students and their parents from Tral area of south Kashmir’s Pulwama district on Wednesday urged Kashmir University to postpone exams of the 2nd year scheduled for today in wake of restrictions and shutdown in the area following the killing of four militants yesterday.
A number of students and their parents called GNS, stating that the situation in the area was tense and there is apprehension about clashes in the area amid restrictions and shutdown.
“I have to appear for a paper of 2nd year (3rd semester) and it would be difficult for me to appear in the exam,” a female student said.
A number of other students and parents also expressed same apprehensions and urged varsity authorities to postpone today’s paper scheduled at 2:30 pm.
In case it is not possible to postpone the exams for the entire valley, they urged authorities to make an announcement that their exam may be conducted a fresh separately.