Kashmir: Lady Doctor doesn’t report on duty after 3 year study leave
Budgam:-Chief Medical Office Budgam here in Central Kashmir has withheld the salary of a lady doctor for not reporting to the office even after remaining on study leave for a period of three years.
Sources told news agency CNS, Dr Nuzhat Monga who happens to be the daughter of Congress leaders and Member of Legislative Assembly is not bothering to report to CMO office Budgam after spending three years abroad.
Dr Nuzhat according to sources had applied for study leave for a period of three years and during this period while studying abroad, she was drawing full salary on monthly basis.
Sources added that her study leave has ended and still she is not reporting on duty.
CMO office Budgam took cognizance of the matter and has withheld her salary.
CMO Budgam, Dr GM Dar confirmed that salary of the said doctor has been withheld. “I have heard the Doctor has reported before the Directorate of Health Services Kashmir but till date she has not reported to this office, thus her salary has been withheld,” Dar said adding that Government had sanctioned a study leave of three years in her favour and she was receiving salary on monthly basis