Doctors ignoring poor patients at SDH Char-e -sharief.
Budgaam:-Mukhti a widow and belonging to a poor family had stone in her gall bladder and was in need of surgery.
She had been visiting SDH Char-e-sharief from last three months for surgery, every day she was being answered to visit after few days.
Before two days she visited hospital again and suddenly they asked her to have endoscope first then we will see.
The lady approached Kashmir Against Corruption (KAC) two times before and accordingly BMO was contacted however he ignored our plights as well.
Yesterday in an emergency when lady had very severe pain was admitted in a private hospital where stone from her gall bladder was taken out without going through endoscope first.
She managed all her expenses after selling her gold.
Chairman Kashmir Against Corruption Ashraf Bhat request to Director health services kashmir to look into the matter and take strict action against concerned BMO and staff.