We have a state traffic advisor also
After lot of criticism in media About traffic mess, two cabinet ministers of PDP held a high level meeting with officials of traffic on monday. Reports said that IGP kashmir range has promised in the meeting to pump more policemen into traffic regulation in Srinagar city.
Having said that vov was informed by a senior officer that the government has already hired state traffic advisor and the mess has compounded after his advise. Officials said that Anuj Malhotra has been told to recommend the measures to be taken for better regulation of traffic.
Many traffic officials said that they need more men on ground at important junctions to regulate the traffic and disclosed that the measures taken on the recommendation of state traffic advisor have helped little so far on ground.
Reports said that so far Rajbagh junction has been redesigned on the recommendation of state traffic advisor and it has helped little bit to regulate traffic at this junction.
While the government has battery of advisors to provide better governance but Traffic advisor has failed so far to recommend how to clear the mess on roads of srinagar city.