Jammu muslims unsafe:Geelani
Srinagar: While condemning attack on the nomad family by self-styled ‘Gaw rakshaks’ in Jammu Joint Hurriyat chairman, Syed Ali Geelani on Sunday said that “Jan Sangh cadre has virtually declared a war against Muslim community.”
Expressing concern Geelani said that “Delhi administration instead of containing these elements, is backing cow vigilantes’’.
“Since the inception of coalition between PDP & BJP, Muslim community in Jammu are being harassed on one pretext or the other. They are being evicted from their property lands, Masjids are occupied, their sheds and cottages are demolished and even their livestock looted,” he said in a statement.
“It is quite disheartening that instead of initiating stringent against these swindlers and assailants, the state administration is acting as mute spectator,” he said. Blaming “Jan Sangh cadre” for their “feverish” activities, Geelani said that “these elements are hell-bent to compel Muslim community for major migration likewise that of 1947.”