Mehbooba has to explain the new BJP inductions in her cabinet
The government spokesman and senior PDP minister tried to do a brazen defence of what the new deputy CM Kavinder Gupta said about the gruesome murder and rape of Muslim Kuthua girl. Nayeem Akhtar said that it was a casual remark, even as the opposition political parties have started gunning for Mehbooba mufti for inducting into the cabinet MLA Kuthua who is the main person behind Hindu Ekta Manch pro rapist rally’s in the district.
By inducting MLA Kuthua and the remarks of new deputy CM Kavinder Gupta that Kuthua incident was a very minor incident and asking media not to focus on this shameful incident. BJP National General Secretary incharge of J&K Ram Madhav has said that the central government will decide about CBI inquiry only after Supreme Court hearing. He said that BJP is not going to take any action against two recently sacked ministers for holding pro rapist rally’s.
State CM Mehbooba Mufti will have to explain how she has inducted Kuthua MLA Jasrotia in her cabinet said in a tweet opposition leader Omer Abdullah. In such scenario the defence being given by PDP spin master Nayeem Akhtar is poor and has been taken in bad taste in the political circles of Kashmir. The latest cabinet reshuffle has brought more ugly realities to fore about the PDP BJP alliance in J&K state. After this reshuffle Mehbooba no her party PDP have been floored by BJP on their earlier claims that they will not tolerate pro rapist ministers in their cabinet.